Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Grizzlies POWER!!

I couldn't wait....DYLAN"S TEAM WON!! WAHOO! The stress relieved for now. Here is a recap of what happened. We were in a three way tie for third place, us, Brighton and Riverton. Basically each team had a chance to play offense and defense on the 20 yard line. If both teams scored a touchdown and the extra point (we don't do field goals we run a play for the extra point) than we continue until someone doesn't get a touchdown or goes through 4 downs without scoring. The winner of the first game watches the other two teams battle it out and the winner from the second game played the winner of the first game. So first up Riverton and us. We blew through their defense scoring up the middle for a touchdown on the 1st play. Riverton didn't know what hit them. So they were on offense, us defense and they did 4 off sides and got pushed back 20 yards. We then sacked the QB twice. It was awesome we won. Then Riverton and Brighton battled it out. Brighton came out on top. So it was between us and Brighton, since Riverton lost both games. Brighton definitely brought their A game. We started on defense on the 4th down Brighton scored a TD. But we stopped their extra point. Our turn on offense and on the 3rd down we scored our TD. Dylan helped knock some guys out of the way so the other running back could score. We made an all team push forward for the extra point. We win!!!
It was a long night we had to wait our turn. We had three groups in front of us and it took forever. But the wait was well worth it. Dylan played awesome! He played a running back which he normally doesn’t play. He plays QB and Tight End. I was so fun to see these boys win. They worked their little hearts out. GO GRIZZLIES! Next on our defeat list ALTA!! Game on.


Heather said...

Congratulations!! You sound like you understand football a lot better than me!!:)

Rebecca said...

Woo Hoo! You go Dylan!!! Glad the stress is relieved a bit fo you. :)

shanni said...

Sounds like an intense game! Congratulations Dylan!

We miss you guys. I'm so glad for blogs so we can keep in touch :P Hopefully when life slows down a bit we can get together.


Christy said...

Wow, how exciting, we've been there before battling for the play offs only we didn't make it. So I know the kind of stress you are talking about. It is very nerve racking how they handle the battle for the play offs. What an exciting 1st year of football for you guys. That is GREAT! Go Grizzlies!

P.S. Bruce says don't forget to play next year. How could you not after the year you've had?

samlyndseyfalkner said...

Woo Hoo, that's awesome!

OUR STORY said...

Congrats!!! Grizzlies sound more appropriate for a football team than the eagles. But I loved our eagles! Our blog is now private. Do you want an invite? My email is joyoffamily@gmail.com.