Monday, July 28, 2008

1st Day of School

The madness begins! The boys started school today. Rylan started 5th grade with Mrs. Ketcher. Dylan started 4th grade with Ms. Ryan-Davis. They did so great this morning, right back into routine mode. This was a huge help to me since I am really sick. I had a doctor’s appointment right after we drop the boys off to school. (Thought it was strep.... but not so lucky it's a virus, so no meds to help. :-( )
Savannah has an appointment with her kindergarten teacher tomorrow. She is excited to meet her teacher, I am so excited that she got the teacher I wanted her to have. I am really excited to see how she tests tomorrow. She officially starts Aug. 5th.

I hope that I survive this year. Between football practice every night, homework and working full-time, I hope I don't kill over. Plus Savannah will probably start dance lessons. I think I might be crazy.


OUR STORY said...

I hope you don't kill over either!!! Hey, I just started this blogging thing and found you on my cousin Lindsay's blog. I cannot believe it is you! Do you remember our crazy times in dance class? It is so fun to see you, your life, and what you have been up to recently. I many link your blog to mine so I can come back often. Email: Take care. Kathleen Barson McCurdy

samlyndseyfalkner said...

WOW!?! School already? Kenzie starts in a couple of weeks and I thought that was fast :( Well they look happy about it :) I hope they have a great year!

Lindsay said...

Hey, I didn't know you knew my cousin Kathleen! Small world! Very excited with the whole back to school thing - someday I'll get there, but for now I'll just stay in my little hermit homelife.

Lissa said...

Yeah for back to school! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well, and no good drugs? Those dang viruses! Hope you feel better soon.

Rebecca said...

Hey Natalie. So sorry you're sick. :( Hope you feel better soon. So is it year-round school? Seems early to start traditional... You are going to be one busy woman! :)