Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hole in my head

It never seizes to amaze me how klutzy Savannah is. I could swear that she has had more wounds then the boys combine. Tonight is no surprise. For some reason she still gets so involved with playing that she forgets to get to give herself enough time to get to the restroom. You can always tell. She starts dance and tapping her feet really fast and talking to herself. Well this time she made it in time to take care of you know what but in the process she fell against the corner of the counter top. This punctured a hole in her head. She started crying and I went in to see what the problem was and I found blood dripping all over the place. She was really upset. I have to strip her down and put her in the shower. I finally got her cleaned up and settled down.

We got her jammies on and she wanted her Hello Kitty ice pack. She made herself a camp out bed on the floor so she could watch TV. She was so proud of herself that she figured out that she could prop up the pillow and lay on her ice pack. What a character.



Lissa said...

Poor thing! And how scary to find her in the bathroom with blood all over, glad she is okay.

samlyndseyfalkner said...

OUCH!! Oh my heck. Go figure it's the girlie, not your 2 boys!! What the?

Rebecca said...

Oh poor Savanah! Hope she's feeling better.

Olivia said...

Ouch! That looks like it hurts!