Sunday, January 11, 2009

Marley and Savannah

We decided as a family to see this movie. Savannah has such a love for all dogs. She has asked for a couple of weeks now to go to this movie. For Grandpa's birthday we decided to go as a family. I sat between Savannah and my Mom. They movie was darling. It was funny and sad. It hit really close to home since the family had two boys and one girl. Just like us. Hmmm that gets me to thinking....I could totally handle look like Jennifer Aniston. I digress. Anyway, the dog ends up dying at the end. (Sorry to spoil the ending). But Savannah was so upset over this that she cried all the way home from the moive theatre. She keeps asking if Gunner was going to die. I re-assured her not for a long time. She then declared if Gunner dies I hope that we can get another puppy. I told her that she could. She seems happy about that. The boys told Savannah that she acts just like the little girl in the movie. Miss bossy. hehe. She totally is. We love her despite her bossiness.


Heather said...

That is so sad that she cried all the way home!!! I had heard about that ending which has made me think twice about taking Carlie and even myself:) I don't like to go to sad movies, I like the happy ending ones (so I can think it is a perfect world)!!:) I can't wait to see pictures from your trip!! That is going to be amazing!!!!

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

I've heard so many great things about that movie. Anything with a dog.....

Rebecca said...

She is such a doll.

Christy said...

I just saw that movie over the weekend & loved it! I'm not even that in to dogs.

Rebecca said...

I gave you the Kreativ Blogger Award on my blog. Have fun!